Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas is right around the corner!

We don't know about you….but we cannot believe Christmas is in just a few days!  We are excited to be here in Yokosuka and have the opportunity to open our home to the sailors that serve our nation.  We continue to be amazed at how much we LOVE what we do.  We enjoy being a safe place for people.  We constantly tell people that no matter where you are on your spiritual journey -- you are WELCOME in our home.  Come enjoy a home cooked meal, in an environment where you can just be yourself, have fun, ask questions and have a family when you are so far away from yours.

Paul & Natalie & Sam
A couple of our favorite sailors
As we get ready to celebrate Christmas, we have been focusing on WHY do we celebrate Christmas.  Lou has done a fabulous job unpacking who Jesus is and the significant of why we should celebrate His birth.  

The Lighthouse is a safe place for people who have no idea if God exists or why Jesus came, but are curious to find out more.  For the people, and there are many in our community, who are discouraged, lonely, feel adrift in life, they can come and learn more about the peace and comfort they can experience by beginning a relationship with Jesus.  Finally, the Lighthouse is a safe place for those who are in the midst of the joyous journey of being a Christ follower.  

No matter where you are or what's going on with you this Christmas, we love you and miss you.  We wish we could be home in Colorado to celebrate Christmas with our families.  But, we are grateful for our "home away from home" here in Japan and that we can be extended family to the folks that will come through our doors.  We wish you a joyous & holy Christmas.

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