Thursday, April 18, 2013

Happy Birthday Dad!

Dad & Mom....53 years together and going strong!
Today is my father's 75th birthday:  April 18, 1938.  We spent the weekend celebrating this milestone day.  We started on Saturday evening with a family dinner out.  I feel so fortunate that my family and I get along and enjoy each other's company so much.   I am grateful that my parent's foster that over the years.  Whenever we have had conflicts, they encouraged us to forgive and move one.  We have walked through many joys and sorrows together, but our family is united.  I love being able to call my parents and my siblings friends!!
Chuckie as a baby!  So cute!

We spent Sunday enjoying some cake & ice cream with extended family and friends.  It was a small affair -- Dad is not one for the lime light.  But, it was fun to share stories from his youth and his life.  

We won't be together today for his 75th birthday.  But, I hope my father knows how much I love & respect him.  I enjoy spending time with him, ribbing him, hanging out and loving him.  He has been instrumental in my life as a mentor for my spiritual convictions, my success in the work place and molding me as a wife and a mother.  I am forever grateful for him.  Happy Birthday Dad!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter 2013

Andrew and Amanda
Boulder, Colorado
"What is the hardest thing about living overseas?" is one of the most frequent questions we receive.  Without question,  it is being away from family and friends.  We loved our Germany community and they were like family to us!  But, we do miss the folks that we have done life with for so long.  It has been fun to reconnect with so many dear people and hear what has been going on in their lives.
Jack & Melissa Bruckner
Broomfield, CO

We enjoyed a beautiful, sunny Easter weekend in Colorado.  This will be our last formal holiday at home before we move to Yokosuka.  We had the opportunity to visit some friends from our Boulder community.  We went to Easter service at our old church, Flatirons Community Church.  

Chris & Nathan playing dominoes
on Easter morning

We miss celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter with family.  We love providing that home away from home to our servicemen and women; but we must admit it was a special time this year!