Thursday, October 30, 2008

Godly Interruptions -- do they exist?

As we are continue to develop our ministry partner team, we are also focusing on catching up on our reading. We are studying the book of Acts, reading books on Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder (PTSD) and managing our time and avoiding burnout. One of the things that I (Cathy) have been meditating on - as I have been reading more about managing our time - is the idea of Godly Interruptions.

I've been thinking through how to discern when we need to take time out of our schedules to be available to God and people. We just read the about Philip ministering to the Ethiopian Eunuch and his willingness to obey and shared with the official. Philip ended up leading him to a relationship with Christ. I'm reminded about the women who touched Christ's hem, during His busy schedule, to be healed. Christ knew - despite people pressing in - that someone had touched Him. He stopped and engaged the woman. Jesus took time out of his schedule - He was on His way to heal another person - to engage her and minister to her.

I wish I could be that sensitive to know when I should leave my "to do" list and evaluate the interruptions in my life. As a Christ follower, I desire to minister to people, share my faith, lead people to the Lord; but I get so caught up in life, doing my Cadence partnership development and training, reading, hanging out with friends, serving my church that I know I miss the blessing of the Godly interruptions that He brings into my life.

As we get ready to run a hospitality house, we need to learn to be sensitive to the needs of the people that God brings into our lives. Pray for us that we can be available to take the time necessary to allow God to rule our lives and not our tasks.

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