On 18 January, we left on a two (2) road trip. We are visiting friends, family, and supporters. As we planned our trip, we struggled with where to go, who to see and how long to be gone. It was a difficult decision because we realized we will not be able to see everyone. As we have been driving around the country, we have enjoyed some fun visits with people and it's been great to reconnect with so many people. But when you are locked in a car, you also have a ton of time to think and pray as you are driving from Albuquerque to Dallas.

What are our modern day idols? Work? Cars? Finding a mate? Wishing for a child? Caring for loved ones? Perfectionism? Diet & exercise? Lack of Vulnerability? I'm not saying that some of these are bad desires or hobbies, some of them are; but if any of them are more important than my relationship with the Lord, they might be an idol.
For me, and I'm still trying to get my arms around this, I know that one my idols is my family. I love my husband and cannot imagine life without him. My relationship with my daughter is in a good place and I want it to continue to get better. I am honored to have great parents that I respect, love dearly and can call friends. My siblings, Rich & Jeanne, hold a very dear place in my heart - I should probably tell them that more often.
Now, that doesn't sound too bad, what's wrong with this? I'm starting to realize that I sometimes put pleasing them over pleasing God. I sometimes obey them, when God is leading me to do something else. It's easier to not have a conflict with my husband, than it is to disobey God.

So, as I continue over the next several weeks, I am going to be asking the Lord to reveal areas of my heart that are holding a higher place than they should. I am asking Him to reveal to me other idols that are limiting me from truly experiencing an abundant walk with the creater of the Universe. Will you join me?
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